How to increase your quality of life through mindfulness training

How to increase your quality of life through mindfulness training

Mindfulness, which is taking the time to be aware of the present moment, has many surprising benefits for our physical and mental well-being. For example, the kind of engaged self-awareness that characterizes mindfulness produces a more positive relationship with your body, allowing you to take better care of yourself and enhancing your ability to overcome obstacles in your life.

Mindfulness Can Enhance Your Quality of Life

Mindfulness means being in the 'here and now' and relaxing and focusing your attention on something, such as a moment, a person, or a task, and experiencing it in a non-judgmental way. Taking the time to exercise mindfulness offers the reward of a greater perspective on the events in our lives and our feelings without being blocked by them.
 Woman puts her hand on her heart and mindfully enjoys the moment.

Strengthens Your Body and Expands Your Limits

Adopting a mindful approach to your body makes it easier to discover which physical activities give you strength and increase your overall well-being. Workouts tailored to your body's needs help improve physical fitness, mental health, flexibility, and relaxation. Practicing mindfulness can help you approach your daily fitness routine without negative judgment, help avoid overexertion and injuries, and expand your athleticism with joy and a spirit of exploration.
Mindfulness can help you live a more fulfilling life by cultivating a better perception of yourself and the world around you.
„Are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?“
Mary Oliver

Breathing is a first-aid kit that's always with you

Breathing keeps your whole system alive (obviously), but stress and anxiety can easily throw your breathing out of balance and you along with it. Many people only breathe superficially. Every cell in the body needs oxygen to function correctly, and deep breathing helps them get it.
Mindfulness and deep breathing work are two practices that greatly enhance each other. Together, they can help improve your physical and mental health, providing calm during stressful situations and allowing you to embrace life more fully.
Man with beard enjoying the moment by the sea.

Let your mind settle and experience relaxation

What do you do when you're anxious, and life feels overwhelming? Though it may be difficult, take a few moments to shift your focus away from the chaos. A more relaxed state of mind lets you gain objectivity and address hardship calmly and effectively.
Here are a few steps you can take:
  • Begin by closing your eyes.
  • Direct your attention inwardly and observe the flow of your breath as it enters and exits your body.
  • Notice the temperature of the air as it enters through your nose.
  • Pay attention to your breath traveling through your body.
  • Observe as different body parts gradually relax, eventually leading to complete relaxation.
  • Continue to observe your breath as it leaves your body.
  • Enjoy the simple act of breathing intentionally and be present at the moment.
  • Take the time to be with yourself and let go of the day's stress. You deserve a moment of peace and tranquility.
Yoga - a few words about its history
The roots of yoga lie in the ancient culture of India. References to it can already be found in the philosophical writings of Hinduism, the so-called Upanishads. They are part of the Vedas and also describe Hatha Yoga, which is practised in the West today. At the end of the 60s, yoga connected with the German-speaking culture of the 68s. In the 80s, yoga got a new boost and gained scientific interest. Due to the proven effectiveness of yoga, it became an important part of society and health promotion. Different styles came from India and America to Europe and partly intermingled. Many of them are still practised today.

Health, natural experience and yoga

You see, yoga not only has a long tradition behind it, it is also subject to constant change. Therefore, everyone has their own yoga routine, their own exercises and moments that are good for them. You can therefore try out different things. Don't give up immediately if one practice or exercise doesn't suit you - find your own yoga flow that makes you feel good and allows you to switch off.

Keeping body, soul and mind healthy

Yoga serves to maintain the health of the human body, provides vitality and joy into old age. It means harmony and unity. When you practise yoga, you practise revealing the unity between body, mind and soul. You will be able to experience a connection to nature and the environment.

Time for Yourself – Peaceful Focus

Mindfulness and breathing belong to the cornerstones of yoga. Breathing exercises (pranayama) are often performed to tune into the practice. Your attention is completely in the here and now; thoughts and problems of everyday life move into the background. This moment is just for you! Time to strengthen and stretch your body so that you can find your centre, your inner peace. You will succeed even better if you guide your breath in the corresponding exercise (asanas). This creates an inner expanse, a vitality in the body and your head becomes empty. Your muscles become tense and relaxed, which creates a feeling of lightness.

Experience the power of nature

Go outside, feel the wind on your face while practising yoga. Breathe in fresh air and relax. This will greatly improve your blood circulation, concentration and relaxation. Also enjoy the connection to nature. The sun's rays will warm you up and also provide you with vitamin D, which can contribute to your good mood.
Woman stretching on yoga mat in sports clothes at home.
When was the last time you were barefoot outside? In everyday life and especially outside, we wear shoes because we don't want to hurt ourselves or the temperature doesn't allow us to walk barefoot. But when you walk barefoot, you activate 30 muscles and over 70,000 nerve endings in your feet. Your senses are activated and you literally feel the earth under your feet. Your body awareness is deepened. Walking on uneven terrain requires your full attention, which strengthens the connection between you, your body and the outside world. The connection with the earth, the conscious walking, allows our thoughts to come to rest. The focus is on and in the feet. The circling of thoughts becomes quieter, the nerves calm down and silence returns. This is a form of meditation.

Enjoy the moment - before and after exercise

Breath meditation during sport means guiding and observing your breathing. Before you start, take a moment to breathe properly. This brings you into the here and now and focuses your awareness on your training. Your focus deepens and you find it easier to reach your goal. The recovery time can be shortened through breathing meditation and a feeling of inner satisfaction sets in.
Woman enjoys the moment on her bellicon minitrampoline.

bellicon and mindfulness - bounce into your balance

The effect of the bellicon mini trampoline is based on the principle of oscillation, which is given by the bungee rings. The elastic mat trains your foot muscles and your balance. When bouncing on the mini trampoline, every muscle is tensed and relaxed. The body is supplied with more oxygen, a feeling of lightness arises that reminds you of the carefree days of your childhood. You bounce away the stress of everyday life and can direct your attention inwards. You take time for your inner self, which radiates outwards with your bouncing, your movements, your yoga exercises or your meditation. Then you are simply you. Your time, your body, your moment.