
bellicon Jumping

Your ideal fitness device for dynamic home workouts.

About this article

bellicon Jumping: The Perfect Fitness Device for Intense and Joint-Friendly Workouts

The bellicon Jumping transforms your workout into a dynamic and effective experience. The innovative bungee system and sturdy, adjustable handlebar allow you to perform demanding Jumping-Fitness workouts that not only bring joy but also effectively boost your endurance, strength, and coordination. The specially designed bungee ensure optimal suspension and relieve your joints, which is especially beneficial for challenging cardio and interval training. With its durable construction and high-quality materials, the bellicon Jumping is perfect for long-term home use.


  • Size: 54 inches
  • Frame: bellicon Jumping (hexagonal)
  • Legs: Screw-on legs
  • Handlebar: 1x T-bar
  • Mat: Standard
  • Mat color: As selected
  • Bungee color: Black
  • Bungee strength: As selected
  • Assembly: Self-assembly

Good to know

The bellicon Jumping is equipped with sturdy screw-in legs that provide optimal safety. You can choose between extra-strong bungees and ultra-strong bungees: The extra-strong bungee are slightly softer, making them ideal for lighter individuals, while the ultra-strong bungees offer a firmer bounce. These are particularly suited for heavier individuals, as you can bounce more easily and follow the beat better. Additionally, you get 45 days of free access to the bellicon+ online training platform – experience Jumping Fitness and more dynamic workouts from the comfort of your home!

Easy self-assembly at home.

The self-assembly of the bellicon Jumping is quick and easy: hook the bungees into the hooks, connect the frame parts, stretch the bungees over the frame, insert the T-bar – and you’re ready to start sweating!